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IT Strategy & vCIO
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Make Strategic IT Decisions

You Need a VCIO

You invest time and resources into your technology solutions but how aligned do you feel those IT investments are with generating business growth and streamlining your business processes? If you are like many business owners, you feel there is room for improvement between your efforts and the revenue you generate.

This feeling often comes from a disconnect between the great IT support you are receiving and the IT strategic decision-making you need to align your IT investments with business outcomes. The disconnect is . . . you don't have a strategic IT advisor. You need a dedicated vCIO.

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What is a vCIO?

The Virtual Chief Information Officer, or "vCIO", is an IT executive with an extensive technical background that can be applied to solving business problems.

The vCIO seeks to understand your business processes and map them with technology processes and solutions to help businesses optimize and grow.

Your best vCIO is dedicated to the role, attentive, organized, a good communicator, and understands that the role of IT is to support the business strategy.

Work with a VCIO

How a VCIO Benefits Your Business

You have outsourced your IT support and cybersecurity management to an IT managed services provider, and they already advise you on the computers you need to buy and the cybersecurity you should use. Why would you also need a vCIO?

Regular IT managed services is great, and they try their best, but your average IT managed services provider has their hands full supporting your existing environment and keeping your cybersecurity monitored. These same busy people don't have time to think and act strategically on your business.

Server At Work has full-time vCIO's assigned to our clients whose only job is to assess, plan, meet, and support you with aligned IT services. Imagine an indivdual assigned to your company, thinking about your:

  • IT checkbox
    IT strategic planning
  • IT checkbox
    Business growth
  • IT checkbox
    Improved efficiency
  • IT checkbox
    Increased scalability
  • IT checkbox
    Better risk management
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How a vCIO Benefits Your Business
Download vCIO Datasheet
vCIO Office Meeting
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VCIO Budgeting

How to Afford a vCIO

The vCIO is a full-time role at Server At Work, but most clients only need a part-time resource at vCIO. As in . . . very part-time. Typically, most clients meet with their vCIO quarterly and as needed during projects and business changes.

And while the vCIO role provides great benefits to our clients, it also helps us at Server At Work provide better overall IT support and technology alignment to our clients' businesses. Because we also benefit from clients engaging with this service, we offer the vCIO service to our clients at no cost when their business model fits the part-time vCIO role process.

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